dan & alex

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter weekend! Sweets, treats and hanging with my peeps.

We started the night off by taking the kids to 5 guys for some amazing burgers and fries. It was delicious to say the least. Then Dan dropped me off at the house (we told the kids that it was to boil eggs for us to dye but it was really so I could hide all of their Easter eggs throughout the house).

While I was hiding the eggs he took them Blockbuster to rent the new Harry Potter. He honked the horn in the garage to give me the "heads up" and the kids came through the door... the search was on!

After the kids found all of their prizes we had our Easter gift exchange. We decided not to get each other anything but maybe a little candy. We ended up bending the rules a little bit...

Dan was first, he presented me with a little Easter basket that had an over-sized beach towel for me to use for Bikram Yoga, some candy and a 4 gig card for my camera. I was really really excited then he ran out of the room and came back with another bag of goodies. He knows that I love Chick-fil-A so he got me 2 gift cards for a sandwich and a large fry! Just perfect! He did a great job but I wasn't about to be out done... I took him up to the "Easter bunny workshop" (our guest room) and showed him his gifts. Through a lot of bargain shopping I was able to get him an awesome new wardrobe to start spring off with.
That night while everyone was enjoying the movie I spent about 5 hours studying for my math final, it was not fun but it ended up totally being worth it. Saturday was such a treat, after finishing my math test I came up to a breakfast of french toast, thick sliced peppered bacon and potatoes with green peppers and onions.

After we all ate our fill we dyed Easter eggs with the kids. It was so much fun to spend creative time together, the kids did such a great job and we managed not to dye the counter top blue.

We went to temple square that afternoon to see all of the beautiful flowers and to try out my new "graduation camera" (to be clear it was a graduation present but I got it as a surprise before we knew how math would turn out). Between the 4 of us we managed to take enough pics to kill the battery. There were so many amazing sights to take in.

The spirit of the grounds was so amazing with all of the weddings and sealings, there was beauty all around us. It was a perfect weekend spent with some of my favorite people. 


  1. loved the post al!! keep them coming!! xoxo

  2. So cute! What a fun weekend! :D I so wish my family had some young kids (that didn't live in Alaska) to spend Easter with.

  3. Alex! I've loved your last two posts! I agree with Betsy, "keep them coming!" :)
